

% clojure -A:fig:build                                 
2021-09-04 11:54:46.626:INFO::main: Logging initialized @12637ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.StdErrLog
[Figwheel] Validating figwheel-main.edn
[Figwheel] figwheel-main.edn is valid \(ツ)/
[Figwheel] Compiling build dev to "target/public/cljs-out/dev-main.js"
[Figwheel] Successfully compiled build dev to "target/public/cljs-out/dev-main.js" in 4.52 seconds.
[Figwheel] Outputting main file: target/public/cljs-out/dev-main-auto-testing.js
[Figwheel] Watching paths: ("test" "src") to compile build - dev
[Figwheel] Starting Server at http://localhost:9500
[Figwheel] Starting REPL
Prompt will show when REPL connects to evaluation environment (i.e. a REPL hosting webpage)
Figwheel Main Controls:
          (figwheel.main/stop-builds id ...)  ;; stops Figwheel autobuilder for ids
          (figwheel.main/start-builds id ...) ;; starts autobuilder focused on ids
          (figwheel.main/reset)               ;; stops, cleans, reloads config, and starts autobuilder
          (figwheel.main/build-once id ...)   ;; builds source one time
          (figwheel.main/clean id ...)        ;; deletes compiled cljs target files
          (figwheel.main/status)              ;; displays current state of system
Figwheel REPL Controls:
          (figwheel.repl/conns)               ;; displays the current connections
          (figwheel.repl/focus session-name)  ;; choose which session name to focus on
In the cljs.user ns, controls can be called without ns ie. (conns) instead of (figwheel.repl/conns)
    Docs: (doc function-name-here)
    Exit: :cljs/quit
 Results: Stored in vars *1, *2, *3, *e holds last exception object
[Rebel readline] Type :repl/help for online help info
Opening URL http://localhost:9500
ClojureScript 1.10.773


(ns ^:figwheel-hooks my-reagent-project.sample
   [goog.dom :as gdom]
   [reagent.core :as r :refer [atom]]
   [reagent.dom :as rdom]
   [clojure.string :as str]))

(println "This text is printed from src/my_reagent_project/sample.cljs. Go ahead and edit it and see reloading in action.")

(defn multiply [a b] (* a b))

(defonce todos (r/atom (sorted-map)))

(defonce counter (r/atom 0))

(defn add-todo [text]
  (let [id (swap! counter inc)]
    (swap! todos assoc id {:id id :title text :done false})))

(defn toggle [id]
  (swap! todos update-in [id :done] not))
(defn save [id title]
  (swap! todos assoc-in [id :title] title))
(defn delete [id]
  (swap! todos dissoc id))

(defn mmap [m f a]
  (->> m
       (f a)
       (into (empty m))))
(defn complete-all [v]
  (swap! todos mmap map #(assoc-in % [1 :done] v)))
(defn clear-done []
  (swap! todos mmap remove #(get-in % [1 :done])))

(defonce init
  (do (add-todo "Rename Cloact to Reagent")
      (add-todo "Add undo demo")
      (add-todo "Make all rendering async")
      (add-todo "Allow any arguments to component functions")
      (complete-all true)))

(defn todo-input [{:keys [title on-save on-stop]}]
  (let [val (r/atom title)
        stop #(do (reset! val "")
                  (if on-stop (on-stop)))
        save #(let [v (-> @val str str/trim)]
                (if-not (empty? v) (on-save v))
    (fn [{:keys [id class placeholder]}]
      [:input {:type "text" :value @val
               :id id :class class :placeholder placeholder
               :on-blur save
               :on-change #(reset! val (-> % .-target .-value))
               :on-key-down #(case (.-which %)
                               13 (save)
                               27 (stop)

(def todo-edit (with-meta todo-input
                 {:component-did-mount #(.focus (rdom/dom-node %))}))

(defn todo-stats [{:keys [filt active done]}]
  (let [props-for (fn [name]
                    {:class (if (= name @filt) "selected")
                     :on-click #(reset! filt name)})]
      [:strong active] " " (case active 1 "item" "items") " left"]
      [:li [:a (props-for :all) "All"]]
      [:li [:a (props-for :active) "Active"]]
      [:li [:a (props-for :done) "Completed"]]]
     (when (pos? done)
       [:button#clear-completed {:on-click clear-done}
        "Clear completed " done])]))

(defn todo-item []
  (let [editing (r/atom false)]
    (fn [{:keys [id done title]}]
      [:li {:class (str (if done "completed ")
                        (if @editing "editing"))}
        [:input.toggle {:type "checkbox" :checked done
                        :on-change #(toggle id)}]
        [:label {:on-double-click #(reset! editing true)} title]
        [:button.destroy {:on-click #(delete id)}]]
       (when @editing
         [todo-edit {:class "edit" :title title
                     :on-save #(save id %)
                     :on-stop #(reset! editing false)}])])))

(defn todo-app [props]
  (let [filt (r/atom :all)]
    (fn []
      (let [items (vals @todos)
            done (->> items (filter :done) count)
            active (- (count items) done)]
           [:h1 "todos"]
           [todo-input {:id "new-todo"
                        :placeholder "What needs to be done?"
                        :on-save add-todo}]]
          (when (-> items count pos?)
              [:input#toggle-all {:type "checkbox" :checked (zero? active)
                                  :on-change #(complete-all (pos? active))}]
              [:lavel {:for "toggle-all"} "Mark all as complete"]
               (for [todo (filter (case @filt
                                    :active (complement :done)
                                    :done :done
                                    :all identity) items)]
                 ^{:key (:id todo)} [todo-item todo])]]
              [todo-stats {:active active :done done :filt filt}]]])]
          [:p "Double-click to edit a todo"]]]))))

(defn mount []
  (rdom/render [todo-app] (gdom/getElement "app")))


(defn ^:after-load on-reload []